
Published: 6 Dec 2023
Type: News
This press release was originally published by the Global Alliance for Buildings and Construction.

Dubai, 6 December 2023 — The Governments of France and Morocco, together with the UN Environment Programme (UNEP), launched the Buildings Breakthrough today at COP28, 这一行业占全球温室气体排放量的21%,各国将联合起来加速该行业的转型,以期到2030年使接近零排放和气候适应型建筑成为新常态. 到目前为止,已有28个国家承诺对“建筑突破”做出承诺.

The Buildings Breakthrough is part of the Breakthrough Agenda, which provides a framework for countries, 企业和民间社会每年联合起来,加强在主要排放部门的行动, through a coalition of leading public, private and public-private global initiatives. 它由法国生态过渡和领土凝聚部和国家领土规划部共同领导, Land Planning, Housing, and City Policy of the Kingdom of Morocco, 并在联合国环境规划署主持的全球建筑与建设联盟(GlobalABC)的主持下进行协调。.

这项新倡议旨在加强国际合作,使建筑行业脱碳,并使清洁技术和可持续解决方案最经济实惠, accessible and attractive option in all regions by 2030.

Under the Buildings Breakthrough, the UNEP/GlobalABC secretariat, 国际能源署和国际可再生能源署, together with the High-level Climate Champions, 是否会对该领域的全球进展进行年度评估, 与联合国环境规划署/GlobalABC年度《正规博彩十大网站排名》密切相关.

“建筑行业是未来投资的关键,因为它的文化, economic, environmental, and social impact,” said 法国生态过渡和领土凝聚部长Christophe b chu. “Partnering with the Kingdom of Morocco and 25 other nations, we call for more countries to join the Buildings Breakthrough, 并呼吁各国政府和所有利益攸关方与我们一起参加2024年在巴黎举行的建筑与气候全球论坛,共同努力实现近零排放和弹性建筑.”

承诺参与“建筑突破”项目的27个国家是:亚美尼亚, Austria, Canada, China, Côte d’Ivoire, Egypt, Ethiopia, Finland, France, Germany, Guinea-Bissau, Japan, Jordan, Kenya, Liberia, Mauritania, Mongolia, Morocco, Netherlands, Norway, Senegal, Sweden, Tunisia, Türkiye, United Kingdom, United States of America, and Zambia. Together, these nations represent around 34% of the global population, account for about 51% of global greenhouse gas emissions, 贡献了全球约64%的国内生产总值. 此外,欧盟委员会和18个国际倡议已宣布支持.

“Business, 行业和城市领导人已经在采取行动,为建筑行业提供气候解决方案,” said Razan Al Mubarak,联合国气候变化大会高级别倡导者. “我们欢迎各国政府的这一强有力承诺,这将为每个人加速该行业的可持续转型提供有利环境, everywhere.”

To maintain momentum for this initiative, 首届建筑与气候全球论坛将于3月7日至8日举行, 2024, in Paris, France. 本届论坛将汇聚来自世界各地的建设部长, as well as stakeholders across the buildings sector value chain, including local authorities, NGOs, and businesses.

“联合国环境规划署支持建筑突破,并欢迎各国政府承诺实现近零排放和弹性建筑," said Sheila Aggarwal-Khan是联合国环境规划署工业和经济司司长. “我们期待着各国和所有利益攸关方联合起来参加明年的建筑与气候全球论坛. 我们很高兴看到建筑生命周期中的领跑者实现他们的雄心壮志. Together, we can reshape our built environment, 确保一个更绿色、更有韧性的明天,为实现净零排放铺平道路."

At COP28, 联合国环境规划署和签署国政府向世界各国发出公开邀请,加入“建筑突破”行动,共同努力,到2030年实现近零排放和弹性建筑.

WBCSD supports the Buildings Breakthrough through the Built Environment Market Transformation initiative, 如何将整个价值链上的利益相关者团结起来,共同采取集体行动实现2030年目标.


  • life cycle thinking
  • integrating carbon cost
  • transforming supply and demand.

该计划将于2024年3月在建筑与气候全球论坛上与WBCSD成员和合作伙伴共同推出, in Paris, France.


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